Pigs Preferred.
Pigs are really noble souls,
unfussy in their diet.
They do not bark or bray all day,
in fact they’re rather quiet.
A grunt or two, a sniffle
sums their sonic contribution,
and puts them fairly uppish,
in progressive evolution.
They don’t complain in winter rain
or whinge of their conditions.
If you try to take their food!
That will merit their attritions.
But generally they keep the peace
and humbly waddle about;
and will affectionately give you
a nuzzle with their snout.
In the depths of Winter
in Old Ireland it is said:
To keep the Pig from freezing
they’d keep it in the bed.
A daunting prospect you may think?
To which you’d be averse.
But I have been to Ireland
and shared a bed with worse.
David Hazell
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