(Note: Before the myriad diseases we are now aware of were 'discovered', people who died from respitory ailments, were said to have died of 'consumption'.)
Dying Of Consumption.
Habit and Ikea, Gucci and Armani
Consuming by design like a raiding locust army
High visibility for logo and for label
Conspicuous conformity to lift the curse of Babel
To Market! To Market! Obsessionally shopping
Homestyle, Lifestyle, pig style troughing
Squawking in McDonalds like chicks in a hatchery
A ‘Gimme' generation designed by Thatchery
Tears in the kindergarten, snide Adidas Kickers
Tears in the night club, snide Jaeger knickers
Transfer and copycat set the market snare
One born every minute in Vanity Unfair.
David Hazell
First published in: The God Of War. Mulberry Books. 1999
ISBN 1 900229 04 8
This poem has also been published in an English study book for Finnish students who are learning the English language. The compilers felt it was apposite to the section covering consumerism and the market.
1 comment:
This is brilliant. So they have Ikea in Finland? Poor loves....:) t x
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