Quantum Suppository.
(Note: This only makes sense if you understand the quantum mechanical notion, of alteration by observation at a quantum level. Like with the 'split screen', thingy.
If it's not there, you were looking at the wrong hole. It can happen!)
I propose, though I’m supposing;
that there won’t be any causing
if we simply don’t suppose.
And learn to mind our nose.
Because the root of suppositions
stems from ill perceived conditions
that are shaped by inhibitions
in a welter of attrition’s
which formulate positions
that give rise to dispositions
which we would not be proposing
if we hadn’t been supposing.
If supposing’s only nosing
and it causes all the causing
and the act of observation
serves to change the situation,
at a tiny quantum level;
quarking, charming little devil,
then the whole atomic structure
goes all wonky and will rupture.
Now the Universe is blinking
and it’s all your fault for thinking.
Because thinking is mind looking,
just to find out what is cooking,
and the watched pot now is boiling,
the whole fabric is despoiling,
radiation levels soaring,
cus’ you had to stick your oar in.
In a most unsteady state
all matter seems to grate
and grind on bits of other matter,
most annoying to the latter.
(unless it’s the sort of grinding
that makes a thin girl fatter)
But now if you didn’t know!
Didn’t care to watch the show.
And not by observing, change…
Then things wouldn’t rearrange.
Scientifically, it’s true.
All this mess is down to YOU.
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