Heart Sutra (abridged version)
Gate, gate, paragate …
Gone, gone, gone beyond gone …
There was I thinking that
there were things.
There was I not, knowing
that there were none.
Nothing at all, it seems, is here?
No sex, no drugs, no curry or pizza,
no champagne, no beefsteak or beer!
And no lovely dangerous stuff
like diving from rocks and running
down hills and playing footie, sometimes
without, even taking, whizz or pills.
But that was bollocks!
That was delusion!
That was all a dream?
Even that stuff I did with
the French girls, the pineapple
rings and ice cream?
Para-samgate …
Completely utterly gone …
Never completed; never was started,
no undoing, what was never done.
Rejoicing in hatred most
justly and juicy, was a mental
state made by me?
Sucked in again by
cause and effect, into the
Samsara sea.
Loving to hate and hating to love
and getting them all confused.
Discernment dualistics; for the
easily amused.
The big show, is a no show,
it’s a silhouette most faint;
tarted up to look like something,
till it starts to lose it’s paint.
Bodhi Svaha …
Enlightenment Hail!…
It’s all silly old thought
and it cannot prevail.
So Nirvana is nothing?
Not attractive, at all, if
sweet bugger all is the deal?
Can’t really be anything else I
suppose, as reality’s really, unreal!
No pain. No gain. But the
pain that you gain is as
real as reality gets.
You really can’t miss if
you give it the kiss off, no
game. So don’t place any bets.
Enlightenment’s bliss
is as easy as this…
you are somewhere
within the ball park,
if you look on all life,
and say, 'This isn’t much!
So frankly, fuck this for a lark.'…
OM… (that’s another nothing)
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