The last time I was in Hell,
Lord Satan said to me,
‘Y’know what? There are none so blind
as those who will not see.’
‘Hang on! ’ I said, ‘You stole that line.
And I know from whom.
Is this the place to be quoting “Him”?
It is the pit of doom!’
‘I can quote anyone I like’
The Prince of Darkness gleamed a grin.
‘Copyright won’t hold in Hell.
We’re more for un-original sin.
Anyway. Property is theft.
I know! I stole that too.
But since I invented paradox,
it’s mine if I have my due.
Hell, has to be thief friendly,
it’s a function of damnation.
You can lay a claim to anything
with abstracted justification.
Justification is justice frustration;
ideal for evil design.
Sin, for all you are worth then say,
“The fault was never mine.”’
‘I see.’ I said, ‘So twisting words
is how one self absolves? ’
‘You can try it of course.’
The Horned one said,
‘And see how it evolves.
Twisted words are devilish things.
Poetic license, was my notion.
I’d thought that it might contribute
to literary erosion.
But it fathered floods of poetry,
the very notion inspires.
That’s another thing we find in Hell.
Everything backfires.’
‘Well then.’ I said, 'If it's the case
that everything backfires,
there’s no point doing anything
to fulfil your desires.’
Old Nick, just raised an eyebrow..
‘Now think on what I’ve said.
If things backfire, to attain desire
you have to use your head.’
‘Ah! I get it now.’ I said.
‘You just reverse the poles.
Be contrary to your desires,
and thus achieve your goals.
It’s best to act in opposition
to what you want to do.
But hold on! You’re the Devil!
Is what you tell me true?’
Through half closed eyes the Demon King
cast me, a sideways look.
And in a voice like runny honey.
He answered, ‘Is it fuck! ’
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